Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Amos 9:7-15 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

7. Israel, I am the Lord God,and the Ethiopiansare no less important to methan you are.I brought you out of Egypt,but I also broughtthe Philistines from Creteand the Arameans from Kir.

8. My eyes have seenwhat a sinful nation you are,and I'll wipe you out.But I will leave a fewof Jacob's descendants.I, the Lord, have spoken!

9. At my command, all of youwill be sifted like grain.Israelites who remain faithfulwill be scatteredamong the nations.And the others will be trappedlike rubbish in a sieve.

10. Some of you are evil,and you denythat you will ever get caught.But you will be killed.

11. In the future, I will rebuildDavid's fallen kingdom.I will build it from its ruinsand set it up again,just as it used to be.

12. Then you will capture Edomand the other nationsthat are mine.I, the Lord, have spoken,and my words will come true.

13. You will have such a harvestthat you won't be ableto bring in all your wheatbefore ploughing time.You will have grapes left overfrom season to season;your fruitful vineyardswill cover the mountains.

14. I'll make Israel prosper again.You will rebuild your townsand live in them.You will drink winefrom your own vineyardsand eat the fruit you grow.

15. I'll plant your roots deepin the land I have given you,and you won't everbe uprooted again.I, the Lord God, have spoken!