Contemporary English Version Anglicised

2 Kings 3:11-22 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

11. Jehoshaphat said, “Which of the Lord's prophets is with us? We can find out from him what the Lord wants us to do.”One of Joram's officers answered, “Elisha son of Shaphat is here. He was one of Elijah's closest followers.”

12. Jehoshaphat replied, “He can give us the Lord's message.”The three kings went over to Elisha,

13. and he asked Joram, “Why did you come to me? Go and talk to the prophets of the foreign gods your parents worshipped.”“No,” Joram answered. “It was the Lord who led us out here, so that Moab's army could capture us.”

14. Elisha said to him, “I serve the Lord All-Powerful, and as surely as he lives, I swear I wouldn't even look at you if I didn't respect King Jehoshaphat.”

15. Then Elisha said, “Send for someone who can play the harp.”The harpist began playing, and the Lord gave Elisha this message for Joram:

16. The Lord says that this dry river bed will be filled with water.

17. You won't feel any wind or see any rain, but there will be plenty of water for you and your animals.

18. That simple thing isn't all the Lord is going to do. He will also help you defeat Moab's army.

19. You will capture all their walled cities and important towns. You will chop down every good tree and stop up every spring of water, then ruin their fertile fields by covering them with rocks.

20. The next morning, while the sacrifice was being offered, water suddenly started flowing from the direction of Edom, and it flooded the land.

21. Meanwhile, the people of Moab had heard that the three kings were coming to attack them. They had called together all their fighting men, from the youngest to the oldest, and these troops were now standing at their border, ready for battle.

22. When they got up that morning, the sun was shining across the water, making it look red. The Moabite troops took one look