Contemporary English Version Anglicised

2 Kings 11:1-7 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. As soon as Athaliah heard that her son King Ahaziah was dead, she decided to kill any relative who could possibly become king. She would have done that,

2. but Jehosheba rescued Joash son of Ahaziah just as he was about to be murdered. Jehosheba, who was Jehoram's daughter and Ahaziah's half-sister, hid her nephew Joash and his personal servant in a bedroom in the Lord's temple where he was safe from Athaliah.

3. Joash hid in the temple with Jehosheba for six years while Athaliah ruled as queen of Judah.

4. Joash son of Ahaziah had hidden in the Lord's temple six years. Then in the seventh year, Jehoiada the priest sent for the commanders of the king's special bodyguards and the commanders of the palace guards. They met him at the temple, and he asked them to make a promise in the name of the Lord. Then he brought out Joash

5. and said to them:Here's what I want you to do. Three of your guard units will be on duty on the Sabbath. I want one unit to guard the palace.

6. Another unit will guard Sur Gate, and the third unit will guard the palace gate and relieve the palace guards.

7. The other two guard units are supposed to be off duty on the Sabbath. But I want both of them to stay here at the temple and protect King Joash.