Contemporary English Version Anglicised

2 John 1:3-7 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

3. I pray that God the Father and Jesus Christ his Son will be kind and merciful to us! May they give us peace and truth and love.

4. I was very glad to learn that some of your children are obeying the truth, as the Father told us to do.

5. Dear friend, I am not writing to tell you and your children to do something you have not done before. I am writing to tell you to love each other, which is the first thing you were told to do.

6. Love means that we do what God tells us. And from the beginning, he told you to love him.

7. Many liars have gone out into the world. These deceitful liars are saying that Jesus Christ did not have a truly human body. But they are liars and the enemies of Christ.