Contemporary English Version Anglicised

2 Chronicles 10:1-6 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. Rehoboam went to Shechem where everyone was waiting to crown him king.

2. Jeroboam son of Nebat heard what was happening, and he returned from Egypt, where he had gone to hide from Solomon.

3. The people from the northern tribes of Israel sent for him. Then together they went to Rehoboam and said,

4. “Your father Solomon forced us to work very hard. But if you make our work easier, we will serve you and do whatever you ask.”

5. Rehoboam replied, “Come back in three days for my answer.” So the people left.

6. Rehoboam went to some leaders who had been his father's senior officials, and he asked them, “What should I tell these people?”