Contemporary English Version Anglicised

1 Timothy 5:18-22 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

18. It is just as the Scriptures say, “Don't muzzle an ox when you are using it to grind grain.” You also know the saying, “Workers are worth their pay.”

19. Don't listen to any charge against a church leader, unless at least two or three people bring the same charges.

20. But if any of the leaders should keep on sinning, they must be corrected in front of the whole group, as a warning to everyone else.

21. In the presence of God and Christ Jesus and their chosen angels, I order you to follow my instructions! Be fair with everyone, and don't have any favourites.

22. Don't be too quick to accept people into the service of the Lord by placing your hands on them.Don't sin because others do, but stay close to God.