Contemporary English Version Anglicised

1 Kings 20:39-43 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

39. When Ahab went by, the prophet shouted, “Your Majesty, right in the heat of battle, someone brought a prisoner to me and told me to guard him. He said if the prisoner got away, I would either be killed or forced to pay three thousand pieces of silver.

40. But I got busy doing other things, and the prisoner escaped.”Ahab answered, “You will be punished just as you have said.”

41. The man quickly tore the bandage off his face, and Ahab saw that he was one of the prophets.

42. The prophet said, “The Lord told you to kill Benhadad, but you let him go. Now you will die in his place, and your people will die in place of his people.”

43. Ahab went back to Samaria, angry and depressed.