Contemporary English Version Anglicised

1 Kings 18:7-20 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

7. As Obadiah was walking along, he met Elijah. Obadiah recognized him, bowed down, and asked, “Elijah, is it really you?”

8. “Yes. Go and tell Ahab I'm here.”

9. Obadiah replied:King Ahab would kill me if I told him that. And I haven't even done anything wrong.

10. I swear to you in the name of the living Lord your God that the king has looked everywhere for you. He sent people to look in every country, and when they couldn't find you, he made the leader of each country swear that you were not in that country.

11. Do you really want me to tell him you're here?

12. What if the Lord's Spirit takes you away as soon as I leave? When Ahab comes to get you, he won't find you. Then he will surely kill me.I have worshipped the Lord since I was a boy.

13. I even hid a hundred of the Lord's prophets in caves when Jezebel was trying to kill them. I also gave them food and water.

14. Do you really want me to tell Ahab you're here? He will kill me!

15. Elijah said, “I'm a servant of the living Lord All-Powerful, and I swear in his name that I will meet with Ahab today.”

16. Obadiah left and told Ahab where to find Elijah.Ahab went to meet Elijah,

17. and when he saw him, Ahab shouted, “There you are, the biggest troublemaker in Israel!”

18. Elijah answered:You're the troublemaker—not me! You and your family have disobeyed the Lord's commands by worshipping Baal.

19. Call together everyone from Israel to meet me on Mount Carmel. Be sure to bring along the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of Asherah who eat at Jezebel's table.

20. Ahab got everyone together, then they went to meet Elijah on Mount Carmel.