Contemporary English Version Anglicised

1 Kings 13:12-25 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

12. “Show me which way he went,” the old prophet said, and his sons pointed out the road.

13. “Put a saddle on my donkey,” he told them. After they did, he got on the donkey

14. and rode off to look for the prophet from Judah.The old prophet found him sitting under an oak tree and asked, “Are you the prophet from Judah?”“Yes, I am.”

15. “Come home with me,” the old prophet said, “and have something to eat.”

16. “I can't go back with you,” the prophet replied, “and I can't eat or drink anything with you.

17. The Lord warned me not to eat or drink or to go home the same way I came.”

18. The old prophet said, “I'm a prophet too. One of the Lord's angels told me to take you to my house and give you something to eat and drink.”The prophet from Judah did not know that the old prophet was lying,

19. so he went home with him and ate and drank.

20. During the meal the Lord gave the old prophet

21. a message for the prophet from Judah:Listen to the Lord's message. You have disobeyed the Lord your God.

22. He told you not to eat or drink anything here, but you came home and ate with me. And so, when you die, your body won't be buried in your family tomb.

23. After the meal the old prophet got a donkey ready,

24. and the prophet from Judah left. Along the way, a lion attacked and killed him, and the donkey and the lion stood there beside his dead body.

25. Some people walked by and saw the body with the lion standing there. They ran into Bethel, telling everyone what they had seen.