Contemporary English Version Anglicised

1 Corinthians 2:6-14 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

6. We do use wisdom when speaking to people who are mature in their faith. But it isn't the wisdom of this world or of its rulers, who will soon disappear.

7. We speak of God's hidden and mysterious wisdom that God decided to use for our glory long before the world began.

8. The rulers of this world didn't know anything about this wisdom. If they had known about it, they would not have nailed the glorious Lord to a cross.

9. But it is just as the Scriptures say,“What God has plannedfor people who love himis more than eyes have seenor ears have heard.It has never evenentered our minds!”

10. God's Spirit has shown you everything. His Spirit finds out everything, even what is deep in the mind of God.

11. You are the only one who knows what is in your own mind, and God's Spirit is the only one who knows what is in God's mind.

12. But God has given us his Spirit. That's why we don't think the same way that the people of this world think. That's also why we can recognize the blessings that God has given us.

13. Every word we speak was taught to us by God's Spirit, not by human wisdom. And this same Spirit helps us teach spiritual things to spiritual people.

14. That's why only someone who has God's Spirit can understand spiritual blessings. Anyone who doesn't have God's Spirit thinks these blessings are foolish.