Contemporary English Version Anglicised

1 Chronicles 28:3-12 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

3. but the Lord has refused to let me build it, because he said I have killed too many people in battle.

4. The Lord God chose Judah to be the leading tribe in Israel. Then from Judah, he chose my father's family, and from that family, he chose me to be the king of Israel, and he promised that my descendants will also rule as kings.

5. The Lord has blessed me with many sons, but he chose my son Solomon to be the next king of Israel.

6. The Lord said to me, “Your son Solomon will build my temple, and it will honour me. Solomon will be like a son to me, and I will be like a father to him.

7. If he continues to obey my laws and commands, his kingdom will never end.”

8. My friends, you are the Lord's people. And now, with God as your witness, I want you to promise that you will do your best to obey everything the Lord God has commanded us. Then this land will always belong to you and your descendants.

9. Solomon, my son, worship God and obey him with all your heart and mind, just as I have done. He knows all your thoughts and your reasons for doing things, and so if you turn to him, he will hear your prayers. But if you ignore him, he will reject you for ever.

10. The Lord has chosen you to build a temple for worshipping him. Be confident and do the work you have been assigned.

11. After David finished speaking, he gave Solomon the plans for building the main rooms of the temple, including the porch, the storerooms, the rooms upstairs and downstairs, as well as the most holy place.

12. He gave Solomon his plans for the courtyards and the open areas around the temple, and for the rooms to store the temple treasures and gifts that had been dedicated to God.