Common English Bible

Wisdom Of Solomon 7:1-11 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. I’m just a human like everyone else. I’m a descendant of the first person who was created out of earth. My flesh was molded into shape during the time that I was in my mother’s womb.

2. Over the course of ten months, I took shape from her blood, built up out of a man’s seed and a night of pleasure.

3. When I was born, I gulped in the same air as everyone else. I dropped out onto the same earth that all people share. I let out my first cry that was just like the sound anyone else makes.

4. I was nurtured by snug clothes and good care.

5. No king has ever begun life any differently.

6. There’s only one way into life for everyone, and only one way out as well.

7. Because of this, I prayed, and the ability to reason wisely was given to me. I called out, and Wisdom’s spirit came to me.

8. I chose wisdom above all the symbols of royalty and over any throne. In comparison to her, I counted riches as nothing.

9. She was more precious to me than even a priceless jewel, since all the gold in the world would be nothing more than a little sand before her. All the silver would be just like clay in her presence.

10. I loved her more than health or beauty. I chose her above sunlight itself, for her brightness never sets.

11. Yet then I found that every other good thing also came with her, for in her hands were countless riches.