Common English Bible

Tobit 8:15-21 Common English Bible (CEB)

15. They praised the God of heaven, saying, "Blessed are you, God, with every pure blessing; may people bless you forever!

16. Blessed are you, because you have brought me joy. It didn’t happen as I had expected. Instead, you have dealt with us according to your great mercy.

17. Blessed are you, because you have shown mercy to our only two children. Master, provide them with mercy and well-being, and bring both their lives to fulfillment with joy and mercy."

18. Then Raguel told his servants to fill up the grave with dirt before dawn,

19. and he told his wife to bake a lot of bread. From his herd he brought back two oxen and four rams. He gave instructions to have them slaughtered, and they began to make preparations.

20. Raguel then called Tobias and said, "You will certainly not leave here for the next fourteen days. Instead, you will remain here to eat and drink with me, and you will bring joy to my daughter’s troubled soul.

21. Take now half of whatever I own and go in health to your father. When my wife and I die, the other half will be yours. Take courage, my son! I’m your father and Edna is your mother. From now on and forever we will stand beside both you and your sister. Take courage, my son!"