Common English Bible

Tobit 5:17-22 Common English Bible (CEB)

17. Tobit answered, "Bless you, brother!"Then Tobit called his son and said to him, "My child, prepare provisions for the trip and head off with your brother. May God who is in heaven protect you on your way and restore you safely to me. May his angel travel with you and protect you, my child."He went to begin his journey, and he kissed his father and mother. Tobit said to him, "Travel safely!"

18. His mother began to weep and said to Tobit, “Why have you sent my child away? Isn’t he the staff on which we lean as he comes and goes in our presence?

19. Don’t make money more important than it is; instead, let it be ransom for our child’s sake.

20. It’s enough for us to live as the Lord has provided.”

21. Tobit said to her, "Don’t make such an issue of it! Our child will go safely and will come safely back to us. Your eyes will see him on the day he returns to you safe and sound. Don’t overreact, and don’t be afraid for them, my sister!

22. A good angel will go with him, his journey will prosper, and he will return safely."