Common English Bible

Tobit 5:1-11 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. Then Tobias said to his father Tobit, "I will do everything you have commanded me, Father.

2. But how am I going to get it from Gabael, since he doesn’t know me and I don’t know him? What proof can I give him so that he will recognize and trust me and give me the money? Moreover, I don’t know the roads to take to get to Media."

3. Then Tobit said to his son Tobias, "He gave me a signed receipt, and I gave him a handwritten document as well. I divided them in two, and we each took one part, and I deposited one with the money. And now it is twenty years since I deposited this money. So then go find a reliable man who will go with you, and we will pay him for his time until you return. Then you can retrieve this money from Gabael."

4. Then Tobias went out to look for a man who knew the way to Media and would go with him. He went out and found the angel Raphael standing near him, but he didn’t know that he was an angel from God.

5. Tobias said to him, "Where are you from, young man?"He said to Tobias, "I am one of the Israelites, your relatives. I have come here to find work."Tobias said to him, "Do you know the way to Media?"

6. He replied, "Yes, I have been there many times; I’m familiar with all the roads and know them well. Often I have gone to Media and have spent the night with Gabael, our relative, who lives in Ecbatana of Media. It is a good two days’ journey from Ecbatana to Rages, because it is located in a mountainous area while Ecbatana lies in the midst of a plain."

7. Tobias said to him, "Wait here for me, young man, until I go and report this to my father, because I need you to go with me, and I’ll pay your wages."

8. Raphael replied, "All right, I’ll wait. But don’t delay!"

9. So Tobias went in and reported to his father Tobit, saying, "Wow, I’ve found a man from among our relatives the Israelites."Tobit said to Tobias, "Call the man in to me, my son, so that I learn who his family is, from which tribe he is, and whether he can be trusted to go with you."

10. So Tobias went out, called Raphael, and said to him, "Young man, my father is calling for you." Raphael went in, and Tobit was the first to greet him.Raphael said, "May joy be yours!"Tobit responded, "What joy can there still be for me? My eyes are useless, and I can’t see the light of heaven. Instead, I lie in darkness just like the dead who no longer see the light. I live among the dead, hearing the sound of human beings without seeing them."Raphael said to him, "Take heart! The time is near when God will heal you. Take heart!"Then Tobit said to him, "My son Tobias wants to go to Media. Brother, can you accompany and guide him? I will pay your wages."Raphael said to him, "I’m able to go with him, for I know all the roads and have often traveled to Media and have passed through all its plains. So I’m familiar with its mountains and all its roads."

11. Tobit said to him, "Brother, which family and which tribe do you come from? Tell me, brother!"