Common English Bible

Tobit 12:1-10 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. When the wedding feast was over, Tobit called his son Tobias to him and said, "My child, make sure to give the man who went with you his wages, and give him a bonus as well."

2. Tobias asked him, "Father, how much in wages should I give him? I wouldn’t lose anything if I give him half my possessions, which he brought back with me.

3. After all, he has guided me safely, healed my wife, brought the money with me, and healed you. How much of a bonus should I give him?"

4. Tobit answered, "It is right, my son, for him to receive half of everything that he had when he came back."

5. So Tobit called Raphael in and said, "Take as your wages half of everything you had when you came, and go in good health."

6. Then Raphael spoke to them privately, saying, “Praise God and tell all living beings about the good things he has done for you, praising and singing to his name. Make God’s words known in an honorable way to everyone, and don’t fail to acknowledge him.

7. It’s good to hide a king’s secret from view, and good to reveal God’s works and bear witness to them with due respect.“Do what’s good, and evil won’t overtake you.

8. Prayer with fasting is good, and so is giving to the poor with righteousness. The possession of a little with righteousness is better than much with injustice. Giving to the poor is better than storing up gold.

9. Giving to the poor saves from death, and it washes away every sin. Those who give to the poor will feel satisfied with life,

10. but those who commit sin and injustice are their own worst enemies.