Common English Bible

Susanna 1:36-52 Common English Bible (CEB)

36. The elders said, "While we were walking around the large garden by ourselves, this woman came in with two female servants. She locked the gates of the garden and sent away the female servants.

37. Then a young man, who had been hiding, came and lay with her.

38. We were in a corner of the garden, and when we saw this lawless act, we went running to them.

39. We saw them having sex, but we couldn’t hold on to the man because he was stronger than we were. He opened the gates and ran away.

40. So we grabbed this woman and asked who the young man was,

41. but she wouldn’t tell us. To this we swear."The assembly believed them because they were the people’s elders and judges. So they sentenced Susanna to death.

42. Susanna screamed out: "Eternal God, you know what is hidden; you see everything before it happens.

43. You know they’ve lied in this court about me! Look, I’m going to die, although I didn’t do any of the things these men accuse in their malice!"

44. The Lord heard her cry.

45. As she was being led away to die, God stirred up the holy spirit of a young man named Daniel.

46. He shouted out loud, "I’m innocent of this woman’s blood!"

47. All the people turned to him and asked, "What are you saying?!"

48. He stood among them and said, "Are you so stupid, Israelites, that you’ve sentenced an Israelite woman to death without cross-examining or finding the facts?

49. Go back to court: these men have given false testimony against her."

50. Everyone rushed back. The other elders said to Daniel, "Sit here with us and advise us, since God has given you the status of an elder."

51. Daniel told them, "Separate them from each other, and I’ll cross-examine them."

52. When they had been separated from each other, he called in one of the judges and said to him, "The sins you did earlier are catching up to you now at the end of a long evil life.