Common English Bible

Susanna 1:20-29 Common English Bible (CEB)

20. They said, "Look, the gates are locked, and nobody can see us. We desire you, so do what we want and have sex with us.

21. If you don’t, we’ll swear that you were meeting with a young man, and that’s why you sent your female servants away."

22. Susanna groaned. "I’m trapped! If I do this, it’s death; but if I don’t, I still won’t escape your plotting.

23. But I’d rather not do this and fall into your hands, than sin in the Lord’s sight."

24. So Susanna screamed, and at the same time the two elders called out.

25. One of them ran and opened the gates to the garden.

26. When people in the house heard the shouting in the garden, they ran out through the side doors to see what had happened to Susanna.

27. When the two elders had their say, the servants were very ashamed because nothing like this had ever been said about Susanna.

28. The next day when the people came to her husband Joakim, the two elders came too, full of their immoral scheme to have Susanna killed. They said in front of the people,

29. "Call Susanna, Hilkiah’s daughter, who is married to Joakim." So they called her in.