Common English Bible

Sirach 9:1-16 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. Don’t be jealousof your dearly loved wifeor teach her a bad lessonthat hurts you too.

2. Don’t give yourself to a womanso that she crushes your strength.

3. Don’t meet up with a female escort,since you might fall into her traps.

4. Don’t hang aroundwith a female musician,since you might get caughtin her advances.

5. Don’t stare at a young woman,since you might incur punishmentfor her.

6. Don’t give yourself to prostitutes,since you might lose your inheritance.

7. Don’t look around in the city streets,and don’t wander in its deserted areas.

8. Turn your eye away from a shapely woman,and don’t stare at beautybelonging to someone else.Many have gone astraybecause of a woman’s beauty,and out of it affectionflames up like a fire.

9. Don’t ever sit with a married woman,and don’t share mealsor indulge in wine with her,since your soul might be attracted to herand you might slip into destructionbecause of your passion.

10. Don’t abandon old friends,because newer ones are not their equals.New friends are like new wine;when wine ages,you will drink it with good cheer.

11. Don’t envy the good reputationof sinners,since you don’t knowhow sudden their end will be.

12. Don’t delight in the successof the ungodly.Remember that they won’tbe considered righteous,even in the grave.

13. Keep far away from peoplewho have the authority to kill,and you won’t be worriedby the fear of death.If you do approach them,don’t make a mistake,or they might take away your life.Be aware that you are steppingamong trapsand that you are walkingon the parapet of the city’s walls.

14. As much as you can,investigate your neighborand consult with wise people.

15. Converse with intelligent people,and talk constantly about the Lawof the Most High.

16. Let righteous peoplebe your dinner companions,and let your pridebe in the fear of the Lord.