Common English Bible

Sirach 8:2-9 Common English Bible (CEB)

2. Don’t argue with rich people,since they might outmatchyour resources;for gold has destroyed many,and it has turned asidethe hearts of kings.

3. Don’t fight with talkative people,adding fuel to their fire.

4. Don’t make fun of the uneducated,or your ancestors might be insulted.

5. Don’t reproach someoneturning away from sin;remember that we are allworthy of punishment.

6. Don’t dishonor people in their old age;some of us are growing old as well.

7. Don’t celebratebecause someone has died;remember that we all will pass away.

8. Don’t neglect the conversationof the wise,but keep returning to their proverbs,because you will learn instructionfrom them,how to minister to dignitaries.

9. Don’t reject the words of the aged,because they also learnedfrom their elders,and you will learn understandingfrom themand how to give an answerwhen it is necessary.