Common English Bible

Sirach 51:19-30 Common English Bible (CEB)

19. My whole being grappled with her,and I was brought to perfectionin my performance of the Law.I spread out my handstoward heaven,and I kept in mindmy ignorance of her.

20. I directed my whole being toward her,and in purity I found her.I had a heart for herfrom the beginning.For this reasonI will never be abandoned.

21. My guts were stirred to seek her;for this reason I gaineda desired possession.

22. The Lord gave me the powerto speak well, as my reward,and I will praise him with it.

23. Draw near to me,you who lack education,and stay in my school.

24. Why are you still lacking in these things;why do you thirst for this?

25. I opened my mouth and said,"Acquire her for yourselveswithout money.

26. Place your neck under her yoke,and let your soulreceive instruction.It is found close at hand."

27. See for yourselves that I have laboreda little,and I have found much rest for myself.

28. Invest in your educationwith a great amount of silver,and with it you will acquire much gold.

29. May your whole being take delightin God’s mercy,and may you never be ashamedwhen you praise him.

30. Accomplish your work in good time,and he will give you your rewardin his time.