Common English Bible

Sirach 46:10-20 Common English Bible (CEB)

10. In this way, all the Israelitescould see that it is a good thingto follow the Lord.

11. May the memories of the judgesbring blessings,each with their own name,whose hearts remained faithfuland who didn’t turn away from the Lord.

12. May their bones send forth new shoots of life from their burial places,and their names,honored by all humanity,continue in their descendants.

13. Samuel was dearly loved by his Lord.As a prophet from the Lord,he established a kingdomand anointed rulers over his people.

14. He judged the congregationby the Lord’s law,and the Lord watched over Jacob.

15. He proved to be a reliable prophetbecause of his faithfulness,and through his wordshe became known as a trustworthy seer.

16. He called upon the Lord, the mighty one,with an offering of a nursing lambwhen his enemies pressed on himfrom every side.

17. The Lord thundered from heaven,and he made his voice loudly heard.

18. He destroyed the leadersof the people of Tyreand all the rulers of the Philistines.

19. Before the time of his eternal sleep,Samuel testifiedbefore the Lord and his anointed one,"No property, not even a pair of sandals,have I taken from anyone!And not one person accused him.

20. Samuel prophesiedafter he had fallen asleep,and he showed the kingwhat his end would be.He made his voice heard from the groundin prophecy to wipe outthe people’s lawless behavior.