Common English Bible

Sirach 46:1-8 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. Joshua, Nun’s son,was powerful in battle,and he was Moses’ successorin prophecy.As his name suggests,he was mightyto deliver the Lord’s chosen ones,and to take revenge on enemieswhen they rose against them,so that he might give Israelan inheritance.

2. How glorious he waswhen he raised his handsand when he extended his swordagainst cities!

3. Who among those who came beforestood as he did?Indeed, he fought the Lord’s wars.

4. Wasn’t the sun restrained by his hand,and one day lasted for two?

5. He called upon the Most High,the mighty one,when his enemies pressed in on himfrom every side,and the great Lord responded to himwith hailstones of mighty power.

6. He rushed headlong against a nationin battle,and on a hill he destroyed thosewho opposed him,so that the nations might knowhow well-equipped he was,because his war was foughtin the Lord’s presence.Indeed, he was a followerof the mighty one.

7. In the days of Moseshe performed acts of mercy,he and Caleb, Jephunneh’s son.They opposed the congregation,restrained the people from sin,and put an endto their wicked grumbling.

8. So out of six hundred thousand soldiers,the two were spared to lead the people into their inheritance,into a land full of milk and honey.