Common English Bible

Sirach 45:11-20 Common English Bible (CEB)

11. with braided scarlet,the work of a craftsperson;with the precious stonesof an engraved sealin a gold setting,the work of a jeweler,as a memorial in engraved writingaccording to the numberof the tribes of Israel.

12. He set a gold crownupon his turban,carved with a sacred seal,an item worthy of praise,a work of strength,desirable objects to look at,richly adorned.

13. Before Aaron, such beautiful thingshad not existed.No stranger will ever wear them,but only his sons and his descendantsfor all time.

14. His sacrifices will be entirely burned uptwice daily, for all time.

15. Moses ordained Aaronand anointed him with holy oil;it became an everlasting covenantfor himand for his descendantsfor as long as heaven lasts,to minister to God,to be a priest at the same time,and to bless his people in his name.

16. Moses chose himout of all who were aliveto offer fruitful sacrifices to the Lord,incense and a pleasing aromaas a remembrance,to secure reconciliation for the people.

17. By his commandments,the Lord gave him authorityover covenants for judgment,to teach Jacob the testimonies,and to enlighten Israel with his Law.

18. Strangers conspired against Aaron,and they were jealous of himin the wilderness;those who were withDathan and Abiramand the company of Korahassembled in anger and fury.

19. The Lord saw it and wasn’t pleased,and they were destroyedin his furious anger;he performed wonders among them,consuming them in a blazing fire.

20. He added to Aaron’s gloryand gave him an inheritance;he gave him as his sharethe initial portion of the early produce;he prepared in abundancebread from the early produce.