Common English Bible

Sirach 40:18-30 Common English Bible (CEB)

18. Life will be sweet for the self-reliantand the hardworking,but better than bothis the person who finds a treasure.

19. Children and building a cityestablish one’s name,but better than bothis a wife who is considered blameless.

20. Wine and music make the heart glad,but better than bothis the love of wisdom.

21. A flute and a harp make sweet melodies,but better than both is a pleasant voice.

22. The eye will desire grace and beauty,but better than bothare the first shoots of a crop.

23. A friend and a companion encountereach other at an opportune moment,but better than bothis a woman with her husband.

24. Relatives and helpin a time of distress are good,but acts of charitywill rescue one better than both.

25. Gold and silver make one stand firm,but more highly esteemed than bothis good advice.

26. Money and strength will lift upone’s heart,but fearing the Lord is better than both.If you fear the Lord,you’ll lack nothing;if you have it,there’s no reason to look for help.

27. Fear of the Lordis like an orchard of blessing,and it covers a personmore fully than any glory.

28. My child, don’t live the life of a beggar;it’s better to die than to beg.

29. When people lookto another person’s table,their way of lifecannot be considered a life.They pollute themselvesby eating someone else’s food,but a person who is intelligentand educated will guardagainst that.

30. In the mouth of the shameless,begging is sweet,but a fire will burn inside of them.