Common English Bible

Sirach 39:1-13 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. They will seek out the wisdomof all the ancestors,and they will be occupiedwith prophecies.

2. They will preserve the storiesof famous people,and they will penetratethe subtle turns of parables.

3. They will seek outthe hidden meanings of proverbs,and will live with the puzzles of parables.

4. They will serve among the greatand appear before rulers.They will travel in foreign lands,because they will test what’s goodand what’s evil in people.

5. They will commit themselves to rise early,to seek the Lord who made them,and to pray to the Most High.They will open their mouth in prayerand ask forgiveness for their sins.

6. If the great Lord is willing,they will be filledwith a spirit of understanding;they will pour forth words of wisdom,and they will give thanksto the Lord in prayer.

7. Their reasoning and knowledgewill remain on course,and they will ponder God’s mysteries.

8. They will bring to lightthe learning of their instruction,and they will make the lawsof the Lord’s covenant their boast.

9. Many will praise their understanding,and it will never be forgotten.The remembrance of themwill never disappear,and their name will livefor generations upon generations.

10. The nations will speak of their wisdom,and the congregationwill proclaim their praise.

11. If they live a long time,they will leave behind a namegreater than a thousand names,and if they find rest,it will be enough for them.

12. I’ll speak of other thingsI’ve been thinking,since I was filled like the full moon.

13. Listen to me, faithful children,and blossomlike a rose growing neara running stream.