Common English Bible

Sirach 33:8-25 Common English Bible (CEB)

8. The Lord, in his knowledge,classified them,and he distinguished betweendifferent seasons and festivals.

9. He lifted out some daysand made them holy,and some he made regular days.

10. All people come from the ground,and Adam was created out of earth.

11. In the fullness of his knowledgethe Lord made distinctionsbetween them,and he made their ways different.

12. Some of them he blessed and lifted up,and some he made holyand brought them near to himself;some of them he cursed, brought low,and expelled them from their place.

13. Like clay in the potter’s hand,shaped according to thepotter’s pleasure,so are human beingsin the hand of the onewho made them,whom he repays accordingto his judgment.

14. Good is the opposite of evil,and life is the opposite of death;so the sinner is the oppositeof the godly.

15. Observe, then,all the works of the Most High,two by two, one opposite the other.

16. I was the last to keep vigil,as one who gathered the leftoversafter the grape pickers.

17. By the blessing of the Lord,I was first on the scene,and like the grape pickers,I filled up a wine vat.

18. Understand that I haven’t laboredfor myself alone,but for all those who are seeking instruction.

19. Listen to me, you who are greatamong the people;pay attention,you leaders in the congregation.

20. Don’t give son or wife, sibling or friend,authority over you in your lifetime,and don’t give your propertyto someone else,since you might change your mindand ask for it back.

21. While you still liveand have breath in you,don’t exchange places with anyone else.

22. It’s better for your childrento make requests of youthan that you should look to themfor generosity.

23. Excel in everything you do;don’t bring a stain on your reputation.

24. On the last day of your life,at the moment of death,distribute your inheritance.

25. Fodder, a rod, and burdens for donkeys;bread, discipline,and work for household slaves.