Common English Bible

Sirach 28:16-25 Common English Bible (CEB)

16. Those who pay attention to slanderwill never find rest,nor will they live in peace.

17. The blow of a whip leaves a welt,but the blow of the tonguewill break bones.

18. Many have fallen by the edgeof the sword,but many more have fallenbecause of the tongue.

19. Happy is the personwho is protected from the tongue,who hasn’t endured its anger,who hasn’t pulled its yokeor been bound by its shackles.

20. Its yoke is made of iron,and its shackles are made of bronze.

21. The death it inflicts is a wicked death,and the grave is preferable to it.

22. It will never conquer the godly,and they won’t be burned by its flame.

23. Those who abandon the Lord willfall to it;it will burn within them,and it will never go out.It will be sent against them like a lion,and like a leopard it will mangle them.

24. aWatch out! Fence in your propertywith thorns,

25. band make a doorand a bolt for your mouth.