Common English Bible

Sirach 27:13-23 Common English Bible (CEB)

13. The conversation of fools is offensive,as is their laughterover sinful pleasures.

14. Their speech, full of profanity,makes a person’s hair stand on end,and their conflicts make peoplestop up their ears.

15. The conflict of the arrogantends in bloodshed,and their abuse is miserable to hear.

16. Those who reveal secretshave destroyed trust,and they will never find a friendfor themselves.

17. Show affection to friendsand be loyal to them,but if you reveal their secrets,don’t follow after them.

18. Just as people destroy an enemy,so you have destroyed your friendshipwith your neighbors.

19. And as you set a bird free from your hand,so too you have let your neighbors go,and you won’t catch them.

20. Don’t pursue them,because they have withdrawnfar away from you,and they have escapedlike a gazelle from a trap.

21. In the same way that it’s possibleto bandage a wound,there’s also reconciliation for insult,but the one who has let a friend’s secrets slip out has no hope.

22. Those who wink their eye plan evil,and whoever recognizes themwill keep their distance.

23. To your face their speech will be sweet,and they will express amazementat your words.But later they will distort what they said,and they will use your own wordsagainst you.