Common English Bible

Sirach 16:11-22 Common English Bible (CEB)

11. Even if there was onestiff-necked person,it would be amazingif that one would go unpunished,because mercy and wrath are with him,the Lord who reconcilesand who pours out wrath.

12. His scrutiny is as severeas his mercy is abundant;he will judge peopleaccording to their deeds.

13. A sinner won’t escape with plunder,and the endurance of the godlywill never fail.

14. He will make allowancefor every act of charity;everyone will receive their just reward.

17. Don’t say, "I’ll be hidden from the Lord,"and "Who from on highwill call me to mind?Among a great many people,I’ll never be recognized;for what am I in such a vast creation?

18. Look at the heavens,indeed the highest heavens;the abyss and the earthwill tremble at the Lord’s visitation.

19. All at once the mountainsand the foundations of the earthwill shake together, quaking,when he looks upon them.

20. The mind cannot even thinkabout these things.Who can ponder his ways?

21. Most of his deeds are hiddenlike a hurricane that no one can see.

22. Who will announce just actions?Or who will endure,since God’s covenant is far off?"