Common English Bible

Sirach 1:3-23 Common English Bible (CEB)

3. Who can discover heaven’s height,the earth’s breadth,the abyss, or wisdom?

4. Wisdom was created before everything else.Right understandingis as old as eternity.

6. To whom was Wisdom’s root revealed?Who knew her wonderful feats?

8. There is one who is wise, greatly feared,seated upon his throne.

9. The Lord himself created her;he saw her; he measured her.The Lord poured her outover everything he made,to be with each personto the extent that God grants,and he supplied her abundantlyto those who love him.

11. Fear of the Lord is a person’s glory, boasting, gladness,and crown of rejoicing.

12. Fear of the Lord will cheer the heart,and it will give gladness, joy,and a long life.

13. Things will go well at the endfor those who fear the Lord.They will be blessedat the time of death.

14. Wisdom starts with fearing the Lord,and she is joined to the faithfuleven within the womb.

15. Wisdom built her nest among human beings as an eternal foundation,and they will entrusttheir offspring to her.

16. Wisdom is fully satisfiedwith fearing the Lord,and she will make people drunkwith her fruits.

17. She will fill all their houseswith desirable thingsand fill their storehousesfrom her produce.

18. Fearing the Lordis Wisdom’s crowning garland,sprouting forth peaceand restorative health.

19. She rained down skilland insightful knowledge,and she raised up the reputationof those who held on to her.

20. Fearing the Lord is Wisdom’s root,and her branches yield a long life.

22. Unjust anger won’t be justified,for the tipping point of one’s angeris one’s downfall.

23. Patient people will hold themselves backuntil the right moment,and afterward they will be paid backwith joy.