Common English Bible

Sirach 1:23-30 Common English Bible (CEB)

23. Patient people will hold themselves backuntil the right moment,and afterward they will be paid backwith joy.

24. They will hide their wordsuntil the right moment,and many will talk abouttheir good judgment.

25. There are intelligent proverbsin Wisdom’s treasuries,but sinners avoid godlinesslike the plague.

26. If you want to find Wisdom,then keep the commandments,and the Lord will supply her to you invast quantities.

27. Fearing the Lord bringswisdom and education.He is pleased with faithfulnessand gentleness.

28. Don’t disobey the fear of the Lord,and don’t approach himwith a divided heart.

29. Don’t give people reasonto call you a hypocrite,and pay attention to what you say.

30. Don’t exalt yourself,or else you might falland bring dishonor to yourself.The Lord will reveal your secrets,and he will overthrow youin the middle of the congregation,because you didn’t comewith proper regard for the Lordand your heart was full of insincerity.