Common English Bible

Psalms 55:6-14 Common English Bible (CEB)

6. I say to myself,I wish I had wings like a dove!I’d fly away and rest.

7. I’d run so far away!I’d live in the desert. Selah

8. I’d hurry to my hideout,far from the rushing wind and storm.

9. Baffle them, my Lord!Confuse their languagebecause I see violence and conflict in the city.

10. Day and night they make their rounds on its walls,and evil and misery live inside it.

11. Disaster lives inside it;oppression and fraud never leave the town square.

12. It’s not an enemy that is insulting me—I could handle that.It’s not someone who hates mewho is exalted over me—I could hide from them.

13. No. It’s you, my equal,my close companion, my good friend!

14. It was so pleasant whentogether we entered God’s house with the crowd.