Common English Bible

Psalms 37:14-23 Common English Bible (CEB)

14. The wicked draw their swords and bend their bowsto bring down the weak and the needy,to slaughter those whose way is right.

15. But the sword of the wicked will enter their own hearts!Their bows will be broken!

16. Better is the little that the righteous havethan the overabundant wealth of the wicked.

17. The arms of the wicked will be broken,but the Lord supports the righteous.

18. The Lord is intimately acquaintedwith the lives of the blameless;their heritage will last forever.

19. They won’t be ashamed in troubling times,and in a period of famine they will eat their fill.

20. But the wicked will die,the Lord’s enemies will disappear—disappear like the beauty of a meadow—in smoke.

21. The wicked borrow and don’t pay it back, but the righteous are generous and giving.

22. Those blessed by God will possess the land,but those cursed by God will be cut off.

23. A person’s steps are made secure by the Lordwhen they delight in his way.