Common English Bible

Psalms 147:11-20 Common English Bible (CEB)

11. No. The Lord treasures the peoplewho honor him,the people who wait for his faithful love.

12. Worship the Lord, Jerusalem!Praise your God, Zion!

13. Because God secures the bars on your gates,God blesses the children you have there.

14. God establishes your borders peacefully.God fills you full with the very best wheat.

15. God issues his command to the earth—God’s word speeds off fast!

16. God spreads snow like it was wool;God scatters frost like it was ashes;

17. God throws his hail down like crumbs—who can endure God’s freezing cold?

18. Then God issues his word and melts it all away!God makes his winds blow;the water flows again.

19. God proclaims his word to Jacob;his statutes and rules to Israel.

20. God hasn’t done that with any other nation;those nations have no knowledge of God’s rules.Praise the Lord!