Common English Bible

Psalms 119:72-82 Common English Bible (CEB)

72. The Instruction you’ve given to me is betterthan thousands of pieces of gold and silver!

73. Your hands have made me and set me in place.Help me understand so I can learn your commandments.

74. Then those who honor you will see me and be gladbecause I have waited for your promise.

75. Lord, I know that your rules are rightand that you rightly made me suffer.

76. Please let your faithful love comfort me,according to what you’ve said to your servant.

77. Let your compassion come to me so I can live again,because your Instruction is my joy!

78. But let the arrogant be ashamedbecause they oppressed me with lies—meanwhile, I will be contemplating your precepts!

79. Let the people who honor you come back to me;let those who know your precepts return to me.

80. Let my heart be blameless in your statutesso that I am not put to shame.

81. My whole being yearns for your saving help!I wait for your promise.

82. My eyes are worn out looking for your word."When will you comfort me?" I ask,