Common English Bible

Proverbs 16:19-31 Common English Bible (CEB)

19. Better to be humble with the needythan to divide plunder with the proud.

20. Those with insight find prosperity;those who trust the Lord are blessed.

21. The skilled mind is called discerning,and pleasant speech enhances teaching.

22. One who has insight is a fountain of life,but the instruction of the foolish is folly.

23. The mind of the wise makes their speech insightfuland enhances the teaching of their lips.

24. Pleasant words are flowing honey,sweet to the taste and healing to the bones.

25. There is a path that may seem straight to someone,but in the end it is the path of death.

26. The appetite of workers labors for them,for their hunger presses them on.

27. Worthless people dig up trouble;their lips are like a scorching fire.

28. Destructive people produce conflict;gossips alienate close friends.

29. Violent people entice their neighborsand walk them down a path that isn’t good.

30. Those who wink their eye plot destruction;those who purse their lips plan evil.

31. Gray hair is a crown of glory;it is found on the path of righteousness.