Common English Bible

Proverbs 14:22-33 Common English Bible (CEB)

22. Don’t those who plan evil go astray?Those who plan good receive loyalty and faithfulness.

23. There is profit in hard work,but mere talk leads to poverty.

24. Wealth is the crown of the wise,and the folly of fools is folly.

25. A truthful witness saves lives,but a deceiver proclaims lies.

26. In the fear of the Lord is strong confidenceand refuge for one’s children.

27. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life,turning people away from deathtraps.

28. A king’s glory is a large population,but a dwindling people is a ruler’s ruin.

29. Patience leads to abundant understanding,but impatience leads to stupid mistakes.

30. A peaceful mind gives life to the body,but jealousy rots the bones.

31. Those who exploit the powerless anger their maker,while those who are kind to the poor honor God.

32. The wicked are thrown down by their own evil,but the righteous find refuge even in death.

33. Wisdom resides in an understanding heart,but it’s not known in fools.