Common English Bible

Numbers 6:19-27 Common English Bible (CEB)

19. The priest will take the shoulder from the ram after it is boiled, one piece of unleavened bread from the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and place them in the hands of the nazirite after the ordained head is shaved.

20. Then the priest will raise them as an uplifted offering before the Lord; they are holy to the priest, with the breast of the uplifted offering and the thigh of the gift offering. After this the nazirite may drink wine.

21. This is the instruction for the nazirite who takes the solemn promise. That person’s offering to the Lord will be in accordance with the nazirite promise, in addition to whatever else the person may have offered. The person must do just as they have promised, in adherence with the nazirite promise.

22. The Lord spoke to Moses:

23. Tell Aaron and his sons: You will bless the Israelites as follows. Say to them:

24. The Lord bless you and protect you.

25. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.

26. The Lord lift up his face to you and grant you peace.

27. They will place my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.