Common English Bible

Numbers 24:2-12 Common English Bible (CEB)

2. Balaam looked up and saw Israel camping by tribes. Then God’s spirit came on him.

3. He raised his voice and made his address:"The oracle of Balaam, Beor’s son;the oracle of a man whose eye is open.

4. The oracle of one who hears God’s speech,who perceives the Almighty’s visions,who falls down with eyes uncovered.

5. How beautiful are your tents, Jacob,your camps, Israel!

6. Like palm groves that stretch out,like gardens next to a river,like eaglewood trees that the Lord has planted,like cedar trees next to water.

7. Water will drip from his branches;his seed will have plenty of water;his king will be higher than Agag,and his kingdom will be lifted up.

8. God, who brought him from Egypt,is like a magnificent wild bull for him.He will devour enemy nationsand break their bones;he will strike with his arrows.

9. He crouched and lay down like a lion;like a lioness, who can make her rise?The one blessing you will be blessed,and the one cursing you will be cursed."

10. Balak was angry with Balaam. He pounded his fists. Balak said to Balaam, "I summoned you to curse my enemies, but now you’ve given a blessing these three times.

11. Now get out of here and go home. I told you I’d greatly honor you, but the Lord has denied you any honor."

12. Balaam said to Balak, "Didn’t I tell your messengers, whom you sent to me,