Common English Bible

Matthew 27:37-46 Common English Bible (CEB)

37. They placed above his head the charge against him. It read, "This is Jesus, the king of the Jews."

38. They crucified with him two outlaws, one on his right side and one on his left.

39. Those who were walking by insulted Jesus, shaking their heads

40. and saying, "So you were going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, were you? Save yourself! If you are God’s Son, come down from the cross."

41. In the same way, the chief priests, along with the legal experts and the elders, were making fun of him, saying,

42. "He saved others, but he can’t save himself. He’s the king of Israel, so let him come down from the cross now. Then we’ll believe in him.

43. He trusts in God, so let God deliver him now if he wants to. He said, ‘I’m God’s Son.’"

44. The outlaws who were crucified with him insulted him in the same way.

45. From noon until three in the afternoon the whole earth was dark.

46. At about three Jesus cried out with a loud shout, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani," which means, "My God, my God, why have you left me?"