Common English Bible

Matthew 13:47-58 Common English Bible (CEB)

47. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that people threw into the lake and gathered all kinds of fish.

48. When it was full, they pulled it to the shore, where they sat down and put the good fish together into containers. But the bad fish they threw away.

49. That’s the way it will be at the end of the present age. The angels will go out and separate the evil people from the righteous people,

50. and will throw the evil ones into a burning furnace. People there will be weeping and grinding their teeth.

51. "Have you understood all these things?" Jesus asked. They said to him, "Yes."

52. Then he said to them, "Therefore, every legal expert who has been trained as a disciple for the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household who brings old and new things out of their treasure chest."

53. When Jesus finished these parables, he departed.

54. When he came to his hometown, he taught the people in their synagogue. They were surprised and said, "Where did he get this wisdom? Where did he get the power to work miracles?

55. Isn’t he the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother named Mary? Aren’t James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas his brothers?

56. And his sisters, aren’t they here with us? Where did this man get all this?"

57. They were repulsed by him and fell into sin. But Jesus said to them, "Prophets are honored everywhere except in their own hometowns and in their own households."

58. He was unable to do many miracles there because of their disbelief.