Common English Bible

Leviticus 8:13-27 Common English Bible (CEB)

13. Then Moses brought Aaron’s sons forward, dressed them in tunics, tied sashes around them, and wrapped headbands on them, just as the Lord had commanded him.

14. Next Moses brought forward the bull for the purification offering. Aaron and his sons pressed their hands on its head.

15. Moses slaughtered it, then took the blood and, using his finger, put it on all of the altar’s horns, purifying the altar. He poured the rest of the blood out at the altar’s base. Then he made the altar holy so that reconciliation could be performed on it.

16. Moses removed all the fat that was around the insides, the lobe of the liver, the two kidneys and their fat, and he completely burned it on the altar.

17. But the rest of the bull, including its hide, its flesh, and its dung, he burned with fire outside the camp just as the Lord had commanded him.

18. Then Moses presented the ram for the entirely burned offering, and Aaron and his sons pressed their hands on its head.

19. Moses slaughtered it, then tossed the blood against all sides of the altar.

20. He cut up the ram into pieces, and then completely burned the head, pieces, and fat.

21. After he washed the insides and lower legs with water, Moses completely burned the whole ram on the altar. It was an entirely burned offering for a soothing smell; it was a food gift for the Lord, as the Lord had commanded Moses.

22. Moses then presented the second ram, the ram for ordination, and Aaron and his sons pressed their hands on its head.

23. Moses slaughtered it, then took some of its blood and put it on Aaron’s right earlobe, on his right thumb, and on his right big toe.

24. Then Moses brought forward Aaron’s sons and put some of the blood on their right earlobes, their right thumbs, and their right big toes. Moses tossed the rest of the blood against all of the altar’s sides.

25. Then he took the fat—the fat tail, all the fat that was around the insides, the lobe of the liver, the two kidneys and their fat—as well as the right thigh.

26. From the basket of unleavened bread that was before the Lord, he took one loaf of unleavened flatbread, one loaf of flatbread made with oil, and one unleavened wafer, and he placed these on the fat pieces and on the right thigh.

27. Moses set all of this in Aaron’s and his sons’ hands, then lifted them as an uplifted offering before the Lord.