Common English Bible

Leviticus 27:3-15 Common English Bible (CEB)

3. if it is the value for a male between 20 and 60 years old, his value is fifty silver shekels according to the sanctuary’s shekel.

4. If the person is a female, her value is thirty shekels.

5. If the age of the person is between 5 and 20 years, the value for a male is twenty shekels, for a female ten shekels.

6. If the age of the person is between one month and 5 years, the value for a male is five silver shekels, for a female three silver shekels.

7. If the age of the person is 60 years or more, the value is fifteen shekels if the person is male, ten shekels for a female.

8. But if financial difficulty prevents the promise maker from giving the full value, they must set the person before the priest. The priest will assign the person a value according to what the promise maker can afford.

9. If a solemn promise involves livestock that can be offered to the Lord, any such animal given to the Lord will be considered holy.

10. The promise maker cannot replace or substitute for it, either good for bad or bad for good. But if one should substitute one animal for another, both it and the substitute will be holy.

11. If the solemn promise involves any kind of unclean animal that cannot be offered to the Lord, the promise maker must set the animal before the priest.

12. The priest will assign it a value, whether high or low. Its value will be what the priest says.

13. If the promise maker wishes to buy it back, they must add one-fifth to its value.

14. When someone dedicates their house to the Lord as holy, the priest will assign a value to it, whether high or low. The value is fixed, whatever value the priest assigns to it.

15. If the one who dedicates the house wishes to buy it back, they must add one-fifth to its valued price, and it will be theirs again.