Common English Bible

Leviticus 27:13-23 Common English Bible (CEB)

13. If the promise maker wishes to buy it back, they must add one-fifth to its value.

14. When someone dedicates their house to the Lord as holy, the priest will assign a value to it, whether high or low. The value is fixed, whatever value the priest assigns to it.

15. If the one who dedicates the house wishes to buy it back, they must add one-fifth to its valued price, and it will be theirs again.

16. If a person dedicates part of the land from their family property to the Lord, the value will be set according to the seed needed to plant it: fifty silver shekels per homer of barley seed.

17. If the person dedicates the piece of land during the Jubilee year, its value will stay fixed.

18. But if the person dedicates the piece after the Jubilee year, the priest will calculate the price according to the years that are left until the next Jubilee year, and the value will be reduced.

19. If the one who dedicates the land wishes to buy it back, they must add one-fifth to its valued price, and it will be theirs again.

20. But if they do not buy it back or if it was sold to someone else, it is no longer able to be bought back.

21. When the piece of land is released in the Jubilee year, it will be holy to the Lord like a piece of devoted land; it will be the priest’s property.

22. If the person dedicates land they purchased to the Lord—land that is not part of their family property—

23. the priest will calculate the amount of its value until the Jubilee year. The person must pay the value on that day as a holy donation to the Lord.