Common English Bible

Leviticus 24:14-22 Common English Bible (CEB)

14. Take the one who cursed outside the camp. All who heard him will press their hands on his head. Then the whole community will stone him.

15. Tell the Israelites: Anyone who curses God will be liable to punishment.

16. And anyone who blasphemes the Lord’s name must be executed. The whole community will stone that person. Immigrant and citizen alike: whenever someone blasphemes the Lord’s name, that person will be executed.

17. If anyone kills another person, they must be executed.

18. Someone who kills an animal may make amends for it: a life for a life.

19. If someone injures a fellow citizen, they will suffer the same injury they inflicted:

20. broken bone for broken bone, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The same injury the person inflicted on the other will be inflicted on them.

21. Someone who kills an animal must make amends for it, but whoever kills a human being must be executed.

22. There is but one law on this matter for you, immigrant or citizen alike, because I am the Lord your God.