Common English Bible

Leviticus 2:4-11 Common English Bible (CEB)

4. When you present a grain offering baked in an oven, it must be of choice flour: unleavened flatbread mixed with oil or unleavened wafers spread with oil.

5. If your offering is grain prepared on a griddle, it must be of choice flour mixed with oil and it must be unleavened.

6. Crumble it into pieces and pour oil on it; it is a grain offering.

7. If your offering is grain prepared in a pan, it must be made of choice flour with oil.

8. You will bring the grain offering made in one of these ways to the Lord, presenting it to the priest, who will then bring it to the altar.

9. The priest will remove from the grain offering the token portion and completely burn it on the altar as a food gift of soothing smell to the Lord.

10. The rest of the grain offering belongs to Aaron and his sons as a most holy portion from the Lord’s food gifts.

11. No grain offering that you give to the Lord can be made with yeast. You must not completely burn any yeast or honey as a food gift for the Lord.