Common English Bible

Leviticus 11:22-32 Common English Bible (CEB)

22. Of these you can eat the following: any kind of migrating locust, any kind of bald locust, any kind of cricket, and any kind of grasshopper.

23. But every other flying insect that has four feet is detestable to you.

24. You make yourself unclean by the following animals—whoever touches their dead bodies will be unclean until evening,

25. and anyone who carries any part of their dead bodies must wash their clothes and will be unclean until evening:

26. All animals that have divided hoofs, but they are not completely split, and that do not rechew food are unclean for you—whoever touches them will be unclean.

27. Of all the animals that walk on four feet, the ones that walk on their paws are unclean for you—anyone who touches their dead bodies will be unclean until evening.

28. Anyone who carries one of their dead bodies must wash their clothes and will be unclean until evening; these animals are unclean for you.

29. The following are unclean for you among the small creatures that move about on the ground: the rat, the mouse, any kind of large lizard,

30. the gecko, the spotted lizard, the lizard, the skink, and the chameleon.

31. Of all small moving creatures, these are unclean for you—anyone who touches them when they are dead will be unclean until evening.

32. Moreover, anything on which one of these creatures falls when it is dead will be unclean, whether it is wood, cloth, skin, or funeral clothing—any such item that can be used to do work. It must be put into water and will be unclean until evening. Then it will be clean again.