Common English Bible

Judith 9:7-14 Common English Bible (CEB)

7. "Look, the Assyrians have increased their army—priding themselves on their cavalry and horses, boasting in the weapons of their infantry, hoping in their shields, spears, bows, and slings. They don’t know that you are the Lord who crushes wars.

8. The Lord is your name. Destroy their strength with your might, and break their power in your anger. For they plan to defile your sanctuary, to pollute the dwelling where your glorious name resides, and to break off the horns of your altar with a sword.

9. Look at their arrogance, and send your wrath upon their heads. Give my hand, the hand of a widow, the strength to do what I have planned.

10. By using my lying lips, strike down the slave along with the ruler, the ruler along with his servant. Break their pride by the hand of a woman.

11. Your might isn’t in numbers, and your power isn’t in the strength of a human being. But you are the God of the humble. You are a helper of the underdog, defender of the weak, protector of those who despair, savior of those without hope.

12. I beg you, God of my ancestor, God of Israel’s inheritance, ruler of heaven and earth, creator of the waters, king of all your creation, hear my prayer!

13. Make my lying words a wound and a bruise to those who have planned cruel things against your covenant, your sacred temple, Mount Zion, and the house your children possess.

14. Make your whole nation and every tribe understand and know that you are God, the God of all power and might, and that there is no one else who protects the people of Israel except you."