Common English Bible

Judith 2:5-12 Common English Bible (CEB)

5. “The great king, the master of all the earth, says that you will leave my presence and take with you men who are sure of their own strength, one hundred twenty thousand infantry and twelve thousand cavalry.

6. You will lead them out against all the lands in the west because they disobeyed my command.

7. "You will tell the people to prepare earth and water, for I’m coming out against them in my rage, and I will cover the entire earth with the feet of my army. I will hand them over as spoil.

8. Their wounded will fill up their valleys and every brook and river will be filled, overflowing with their dead.

9. Then I will lead them as prisoners to the ends of the earth.

10. You will go ahead of me to seize all of their territory. If they surrender to you, keep them for me until the day of their punishment.

11. But show no mercy to any who continue to resist. Hand them over to be killed and plundered. Do this wherever you go.

12. As I live, and by the power of my kingdom, I have spoken, and I will do this with my own hand.